PATH Invest Switzerland SA is a company focused on a unique 360 concept around Investment. We specialise in wealth management, investment banking and planning for wealthy individuals, families, and entrepreneurs.

PATH Invest Switzerland SA is a company focused on a unique 360 concept around Investment. We specialise in wealth management, investment banking and planning for wealthy individuals, families, and entrepreneurs.

About Us

The PATH Invest Switzerland SA team has more than 25 years of experience in asset investment and private banking in Switzerland gained at reputable financial institutions, where they have received many accolades and recognition.

About Us

The PATH Invest Switzerland SA team has more than 25 years of experience in asset investment and private banking in Switzerland gained at reputable financial institutions, where they have received many accolades and recognition.

PATH Invest Switzerland SA
Place de la Synagogue 5
1204 Genève, Switzerland
T: +41 22 506 04 22

Administrative Headquarter

PATH Invest Switzerland SA
Rue de Lyon 77
1203 Genève

Representative Offices


PATH Invest Switzerland SA
Place de la Synagogue 5
1204 Genève


Path Invest Switzerland SA
Bahnhofplatz 1
8001 Zürich


PATH Invest Switzerland SA operates under the authorisation of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Commission (FINMA) as Portfolio Manager is also subject to the supervision of the Organisme de Surveillance des Instituts Financiers (OSIF).

Public information is available here.


Article 74 et seq. The Financial Services Acts provide for a mediation procedure conducted before the Ombudsman to resolve legal disputes between clients and financial services providers. To this end, financial services providers must be associated with an ombudsman (Article 77 of the Financial Services Act) recognised by the FDF (Article 84(1) of the Financial Services Act).

PATH Invest Switzerland SA is affiliated with Terraxis SA.